The automobile. To some, a simple appliance that ferries them reliably from one end of the earth to another. To others, myself included, a object of fascination, personification, love, passion, loyalty, heritage, and beauty. Real emotions, for an inanimate object. One might argue that they've replaced the horse as our companion on long journeys, and this is why we feel so connected to them. Maybe it's the way they have "faces", typically presenting two eyes (headlights) a nose, and a mouth (grilles). Who knows what it is that draws us to them, allows us to become attached, miss them when they're dead and gone, and invest so much time or money into them?
In this blog, I intend to explore my own fascination with the automobile, sharing interesting cars for sale, automotive facts and history, technological advancements from the beginning to modern times, as well as car-buying advice, and my opinion on cars of all shapes and sizes. Please enjoy!
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